
The plan is: you want to lose weight right. EAT SMARTER reveals eight tips which you can use to reach your destination faster.

1. properly remove: bring movement into your life
Any movement counts. Ever harder to your body, it consumes more calories and fat. The best, this is of course with jogging. But efforts driving even less welding energy. About 15 minutes approximately 130 calories consume stairs, you come on about 280 calories with an hour walking. You are looking for ways to get more exercise into your life: what can you distances in the future on foot or by bike?

2. properly remove: you can play the muscles
Muscles are true kilo shredder. The reason: They consume energy even if we lie on the sofa. The greater the muscle mass in the body, the basal metabolic rate is higher. The beginning is certainly the most difficult: many people can hardly imagine, suddenly to train their body weights. And the gym is not liked by everyone. But if you have overcome once, also weight training can be fun. These exercises may help you get started.

3. properly remove: be prepared for cravings
Cravings are treacherous. You can undo any weight loss plan. All of a sudden you chowing down then but the spurned candy bar or the oily Buttercroissant. Be prepared against the attacks. A pot of tea or a quick walk can help. Choose foods that make long enough for your meals. You keep the blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of cravings. And when hunger still does not disappear: you nibble fresh carrots. Fill the stomach, but not the fat.

4. correctly lose weight: eat slowly
This applies to all meals. During the meal, the body needs--about ten minutes before he sends a saturation signal. Overweight even just a little longer takes. Are you tired, even though there is still something on the plate? Leave it. Is it hard you throw something away? Pour the food back into the pot. Maybe you can reheat these tomorrow.

5. properly remove: forbid you to nothing
People who want to lose weight, set up like bans. As a signal to yourself and others, that they are serious about losing weight. But this approach there is usually something dangerous: If you then but sometime even are not, the frustration is programmed. And maybe then the entire weight loss plan is on the brink. Try it differently: consider chocolate or fruit gums, as something special. You may yourself quite it, but just a small portion.

6. properly remove: delete the comfort eating
One thing you should ban himself however, namely the comfort eating. In this ritual is the greatest danger to get overweight at the end. Of course, sometimes you need something to get rid of the frustration. But instead of comfort eating, you can try other options. Maybe help a strammer walk or a jog? Sometimes even material things can help: try using a CD or a cinema.

7. properly remove: you practice patience
It is perhaps the hardest task: you adhere to all scientifically proven weightloss tips, give up chocolate, go jogging regularly and not jumbled but the pounds. Even if it sounds stupid: hang in there. The body separates reluctant of fat deposits. But sooner or later he's going to do it. The more moving it, the better. You should make one definitely not: adjust the food radical. This adjusts the body to a different metabolism, but lose no weight.

8. properly remove: disconnect themselves from misconceptions
So it also would be: there are no diets, which targeted to reduce abdominal or Pofett. Ultimately, it is also a genetic disposition, where the fat deposits sit. Losing weight is a holistic process that takes place throughout the body. In the form of food, take less energy than you consume in a day. Increase your consumption of energy through movement; the more, the better. Then, the pounds will disappear.

Find delicious weight loss recipes here at EAT SMARTER!

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