
After delivery to the mother's body to heal and recover from pregnancy and birth, and mother's milk to produce. To build the weight during the pregnancy, the stores for recovery and breastfeeding. Mothers need maintain a healthy diet, making them healthy and active and able, can take care of her child. Many new mothers may be too tired or busy, that food tends to be overlooked. Therefore it is important to plan simple and healthy meals, one of choices from all food groups in the food pyramid variety.

What to eat during the Pregnancy?

Continue on a healthy diet, practiced during pregnancy equal to what to eat during the postnatal. Focus on food, grains, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables and food each protein, calcium and iron amount. The following are the most important food groups that should be included in your daily diet
  • Different cereals (rice, wheat, corn, barley) preferably whole, in various forms, as also flour products such as bread, pasta and pasta;
  • Protein foods from animal sources (eggs, meat and fish) or plant sources (lentils, beans, soy beans);
  • Dairy products like low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables of all kinds, eaten raw or cooked;
A balanced diet can be by eating a variety of foods from each of the food groups as well as through the consumption of individual food in different forms like eating food in different ways different varieties of fruits and vegetables or cooking. Some vitamins and proteins are better absorbed if there are other vitamins and minerals. Iron is for example better utilised if vitamin C in the diet. On the other hand, an excess of A few types of foods can be harmful. For example, large amounts of protein, can cause large amounts of vitamins and minerals to eliminate the body.

Watch out for iron and calcium

Iron - will not continue their menstrual cycle for at least a few months during lactation, usually a mother, gentle iron, which lost every month otherwise would go. Iron stores could be kept, by eating a diet rich in iron. Iron is in meat, liver, clams, beans, green vegetables, whole grains and A few dried fruits such as raisins. Iron supplement is not required, if you are not anemic.

Calcium - calcium requirement for lactating is high, because breast milk contains calcium. If calcium levels in the blood of the mother for their needs and that their child not sufficient calcium in their bones deposited withdrawn for milk production and can cause that a temporary decrease of bone mass. This loss can't be prevented by consuming additional calcium. The primary sources of calcium in the diet are milk and other dairy products such as cheese or yogurt. If you are allergic to, dislike, or not, tolerate milk, there are other sources of calcium that can be used, including:

  • Canned fish such as sardines, mackerel and tuna, the bones become soft during processing and are simple includes to eat. IKan Bilis (eaten whole) has high calcium content.
  • Whole grain and whole wheat flour.
  • Tofu and soy milk.
  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • NUTS and dry fruits, such walnuts, almonds, raisins, dates and dried figs.

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