

Hypertension or high blood pressure should not be left ignored, the consequences are not only harmful to your heart, your blood vessels, but also other organs of your body that in turn leads to serious diseases such as heart failure, kidney failure and even stroke.The good news, is that there are several methods that can lower blood pressure naturally and if implemented today you can start seeing immediate improvements if you have high blood pressure sufferer.
Let's jump and look at them in detail: Alcohol & cigarettes: If you want to lower your blood pressure than this should be avoided, but if they completely eliminate is too much too fast, try and keep them to a minimum. For example, if you're used to having 2 or 3 glasses of wine to relax in the evening or with your dinner-cut this to just 1 glass. In time, cut this out completely during the week and have just the odd glass at the weekend.

Healthy & regular exercise: start an exercise routine from 3 to 5 days a week-either daily walks of between 25 to 30 minutes or swim or even yoga-something that you relax and de-stress from everyday problems and concerns. Learning to deal with stress is not only useful for controlling high blood pressure the natural way, but the benefits of this for your health are endless.

Meditation is a way of fighting stress, reserved 5-10 minutes to start, a quiet place, close your eyes and think of nothing. I mean that, block out all your thoughts and instead, start focusing on your breathing. Do this daily and increase time to 25 minutes per day.Salt Intake: can't stress enough how useful this is to lowering your blood pressure naturally.

The recommended daily intake is just a teaspoon of salt per day or just under 5.8 grams of salt! The problem today is that our processed foods contains a generous amount of salt so read the back of each label before purchasing your next pizza or a packet of soup Potassium: here is a must in controlling your high blood pressure-potassium enriched fruits and vegetables are crucial!. Here is where you will find an abundance of potassium-sweet or regular potatoes, spinach, soy and brown beans, bananas, peaches and even in fish such as yellowfin tuna and cod

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